In the waning days of December Chef Trinosky held a Garde Manger class for a group of students wanting to learn more about the artistry of fruit and vegetable carving. Chef Trinosky went over a lot of basic techniques for students to start learning the basics of carving, and after a brief lecture and demonstration, students had the opportunity to try their hand and start learning a new skill set. In the short amount of time working there were some very intricate designs students came up with and they all enjoyed the day.
While students were out on Christmas break, we also had time to get some house keeping taken care of and the floors were polished and a great deal of painting was done to touch up areas that had lost their luster. Now the building is back to looking sharp!
Once classes resumed back
Our community classes take place every other Saturday and they are a great opportunity for people who are wanting to learn new skills in the kitchen. Chef Jason Anderson along with Chef Robert Frye hosted our latest community class and they took patrons through a 4 hour course on learning Japanese foods. The class focused on Sushi, Hibachi, and noodles with approximately 20 people in the class. Everyone enjoyed the day and you can see some of the creations of the day on our Facebook page. Our community classes provide the kitchen novice with skills needed to cook new foods in their own kitchens. From learning basic knife skills, to cuisine from around the world, our Chef's take pride in helping you become more skilled in a kitchen. The community classes are a great idea for a gift to give that person who really enjoys cooking, and have been proven to be a great date that is definitely not the "norm". To find more information on our community classes click here. The Spring class listings will be updated soon!
Our student clubs are getting more organized and updates on the clubs and their meetings will be updated as more information becomes available. Look forward to hearing more about our Student Activities Club, Student Ice Carving Club, Student Craft Beer Brewing Club, Student Molecular Gastronomy Club, and other student events taking place at The Chef's Academy.
Stay tuned to other happenings taking place at The Chef's Academy in the near future as well. Towards the end of January we have Chef Instructors that will be participating in The Indiana Pork Producer's Taste of Excellence culinary competition. February will bring more club meetings, as well as our Open House Friday February 6th, starting at 1:00pm. February 20th we will be hosting a Chili competition. Updates will be provided as these events near.