The Chef’s Academy’s Student Advisory Board Blog Entry - 05/21/2010
By Anthony Dick, Hospitality & Restaurant Management Student Representative
By Anthony Dick, Hospitality & Restaurant Management Student Representative
What Made You Decide To Come To Culinary School & What Keeps You Coming Back For More?
This being the month of May and in the city of Indianapolis, it is fitting that I would be asked to write this week’s blog entry. Why? In a way, the Indianapolis 500 had a lot to do with my decision to attend culinary school. I love to cook and being in a kitchen, and I first learned from both my parents and my grandmother at a fairly young age. But I never thought that I could make a career out of it. When The Chef’s Academy opened its doors in 2006 I had seen its infomercials advertising the school and I became intrigued. However, I dismissed the possibility and continued on with my life. Eight years ago, I can remember getting together with seven or eight of my old high school buddy’s and going to one of my first Indy 500’s. We decided we were going to enjoy the race from the infield, or what was once called “The Snake Pit.” We had an old Fire/Ice grill, a pack of brats and frozen burgers, and a pony keg. We had a blast! Since then, our race party has grown and grown and taken on a life of its own. Last year we had over one hundred people, three grills, three sets of three burners, four 12 x 12 tents, and we serve a full breakfast and lunch with 6 full size kegs and a bar! We even have our crest and our own t-shirts. We call ourselves THE RACEDAY ALLSTARS, and we consider ourselves to be a college fraternity that only exists for one day a year. We have a hell of a good time! As one of the main administrators for this event year after year, I thinking to myself, “WOW, I’m getting pretty good at this. Maybe I could do this for living?” That is when my culinary school adventure began. There were many other reasons why I decided to come to The Chef’s Academy, but it was last year’s Indy 500 that really pushed me in the right direction. Since then, I started school in October 2009 and haven’t missed a single class in almost eight months. I just started my fourth term, and I have to say, I love every minute of it! I’ve learned so much, and as a Culinary Arts and Hospitality & Restaurant Management double major, I get a chance to learn about the food service industry from both points of view. I’ve seen and done things that I’ve never thought possible, and all it took was a little push to get me started. That’s my story, that’s why I’m here: to see if my passion can become my career. That’s what sustains me in the tough times when I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning or study late at night. That dream is what keeps me going and coming back for more. Why did you decide to come to culinary school or what’s stopping you? What sustains you and keeps you coming back for more? What’s stopping you from making your dreams a reality? Think about it. Who knows, maybe you’ll come to love The Chef’s Academy as much as I do. In dreams, as in life, nothing is impossible, if you believe.