Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Awards to be awarded at student meetings!

After much consideration of student, faculty and staff recommendations, we decided to change the format of the student meetings to more of an awards ceremony. We will still have some announcements to make, but the rest of the meeting will be a party. We’ll have music and we’ll celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. Oh, and we’ll do some dancing too, if you’re up to the challenge.
With the new format, we needed more awards. So here they are:
Student of the Term* will still be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the student who shows common courtesies and respect to everyone, goes above and beyond the call of duty, helps other students without asking for something in return, is conscientious and perseveres, has good attendance, is friendly and outgoing and is highly regarded by his/her peers, and is someone who is a good representation of TCA. Nominations will come from faculty and staff. Peer nominations will be considered and can be submitted at the front desk.
Life Skills Awards* will be awarded at each meeting. These awards will go to any student who has completed 8 out of the 10 Life Skills classes. The Life Skills classes will run on a rotation. So, for example, if Stress Management is offered Week 1 next term, it will be offered Week 1 the following term. So if you miss a couple, you have plenty of time to make them up. Echoing Chef Reed’s comments at the student meetings, the chefs, managers and owners you respect here at TCA and out in the community work daily on their life skills. These are necessary for your advancement in this industry. Oh, and these cost you NOTHING!
Best Dressed Award* will be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the student who is always in uniform and professionally represents The Chef’s Academy at all times. Nominations will come from the faculty. Peer nominations will be considered and can be submitted at the front desk.
Best Attendance Award* will be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the cohort that has the best attendance as a class. Results will be based on students in a kitchen lab (for culinary and pastry) and an HRM class for HRM, and attendance will be calculated for all courses each student has. Nominations will come from the Education Department.
TCA Volunteer will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who volunteers the most time and is most helpful at TCA events. Events/Hours completed must be signed off by person(s) responsible for the event. Volunteer forms can be found at the front desk. Nominations will be self-written and submitted to the front desk.
Community Service Award will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who makes the biggest or most creative difference in his or her community. Service/Hours completed must be signed off by person(s) responsible for the event/organization. Community Service forms can be found at the front desk. Nominations will be self-written and submitted to the front desk. The winner will be voted on the following criteria: # of hours completed and creativity in service. Serving others is part of this industry. This one should be easy for most.
TCA Social Media Enthusiast Award will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who most/best promotes The Chef’s Academy on the web (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Nominations will come from Joe Trinosky.
Mr. Clean Award will be offered to one cohort each term. This award will go to the cohort that is the most sanitary and follows ServSafe guidelines. Nominations will come from Chef Trinosky.
Please remember that we will not offer an award just to offer the award. If no student or class is deserving of the award, we will not offer it that term.
* Meeting shifts are as follows:
Morning meeting – 6:30am, 9:45am & day HRM shifts
Evening meeting – 1:00pm, 5:20pm & night HRM shifts
Weekend meeting – all weekend shifts