Along the banks of the mighty Ohio River thirty professional barbeque teams from around the Midwest compiled to compete in the Hoosier Daddy State BBQ Competition in association with the Harvest Homecoming Festival in New Albany, Indiana. The Chef’s Academy sent Chef Anderson and Chef Trinosky as “The TCA Smokers” to try their hand at a piece of the prize money and a chance to qualify for larger national events. The Hoosier Daddy State BBQ Competition was sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society and served as a qualifier for national contests the Jack Daniel's Invitational, and the Kansas City Royal. The Hoosier Daddy State BBQ Competition held October 9th and 10th, also had an amateur category that many back yard enthusiasts competed in as well.
The competition was an awfully soggy one as there had been torrential downpours the days leading up to the event and there was flooding all around the area. Rain normally wouldn’t be much of a factor for a chef as they typically are working indoors, but when you are in a barbeque competition the only shelter from the storm you have is self provided. The inclement weather didn’t slow Chef’s Jason Anderson and Lucas Trinosky down though, as they smoked and grilled their hearts out on that soggy patch of land in front of the river. Mother Nature eased up on Saturday for the finishing touches and turn-in, as it was a beautiful fall morning and afternoon.
The TCA Smokers worked tirelessly on Friday preparing their meats and testing their ribs and chicken to ensure their entries were solid. The Soggy Friday afternoon didn’t keep these two from manning the smoker and large kettle grill all afternoon, evening, and throughout the night with very little rest due to having to stoke the fires or add smoke chips every few hours. As nightfall came the Chefs’ had their mettle tested as another storm came in producing high winds and heavy rainfall. We hunkered down and braved the storm and as it had passed everyone was thankful that no more precipitation fell from the dark skies. The dreary weather seemed to be a hint of foreshadowing for the TCA Smokers though as a lackluster feeling came as the judging was announced.
It was a character building competition as the Chefs’ were humbled with the overall results of the competition. The Hoosier Daddy State BBQ competition was the second barbeque competition the Chefs’ had been a part of as a team and they were definitely the “new guys” in the event as many of the other competitors travel around the US competing in these events and have been doing so for years. Chef Trinosky stated that “It was good to come out and compete, as well as have the opportunity to meet some of the old timers to get some pointers.” On the walk back to the cook site the two were already discussing what to change and when the next competition will be. Don’t count these two competitors’ out as they are tenacious and have already been practicing their technique to come out stronger in the next competition.
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