American Culinary Federation Central Regional Conference, Indianapolis IN-March 26th-Sunday, March 28th 2010
News & Notes:
What an incredible weekend for The Chef’s Academy! Our school had the honor of hosting the Competition components of the A.C.F. Central Regional Conference. Dozens of professional chef’s and student culinary teams from nine states competed this weekend (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Indiana). The Chef’s Academy Culinary Team members included: Mary Grace Breese, Mitch McDaniel, Lisa Clayton, Rachel Hanson, Kelsey Luallen, and myself. We participated in the Cold Platter, or Garde Manger portion on Friday, and the Cold Salon, or Skills Set, and Hot Salon, or the Four Course Menu on Saturday. We fought long and hard all weekend, and in the end brought home a bronze medal for the school.
On Sunday our team was given the opportunity to attend the last day of the conference at the Downtown Marriot. At 8a.m. I attended a lecture on Avocado’s and received several recipes and new ideas using this amazing little fruit. Next I attended a demonstration presented by the Sterno Group. This lecture was on fire, literally! The last two lectures I attended were focused on competitions. The International Competition lecture was focused on the strategies and mindsets needed for success in competitions here in the U.S. and abroad. It was given by the Vice-President of the A.A.C., or the American Academy of Chef’s, the fraternal order of distinguished chef’s inside the A.C.F., and it was awesome! The last lecture was presented by the members of the A.C.F. Competition Committee. Each and every one of them served as judges during the competition this weekend. I learned a tremendous amount of information that will definitely help me and members of this school compete and win at a very high level.
The high points of the weekend for me were of course the competition itself, but also the lectures, and the chance to meet many professional chef’s that serve as the judges and the leadership of A.C.F. For example, I got the chance to shake the hand of the National President of A.C.F.! As an aspiring chef, just to be in the same room with these individuals and to listen to their comments and suggestions was truly an honor and privilege. To my fellow students, I would highly recommend joining the A.C.F. It can only help you in your career goals and make you a better chef. Also, think about trying out for next year’s T.C.A. Culinary Team. We can use all the talented, disciplined, and dedicated personnel we can get. It’s a great way to represent the school and practice the techniques you’ll use in the real world. I’m already making plans to attend next year’s Central Regional Conference in 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana. You should too!
Written by Anthony Dick
What a GREAT achievement! Way to go team!