Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Micro-blog: Tyler Green

The Chef's Academy has been one of the best personal decisions I've ever made. This is reinforced by doing well on my practical, especially my egg practical in CA1010. I scored a 90% which is a low ‘A,’ but an ‘A’ none-the-less! When I took the practical I was worried that I would face some problems cooking them as I did the first time I made the French omelet in class. The first time I cooked the eggs I browned the omelet more than necessary, so that made me worry about the practical. However, I did much better than I was expecting, mostly because of my thought process, which made the test easier. It was the lessons that I learned from listening to Lou Tice. He helped me improve my self-confidence quite a bit and opened more doors so that I can succeed and overcome my limitations.
-Tyler Green

Friday, December 9, 2011

Micro-Blog: David Andersen

So here I am at my favorite local drinking establishment off of Hwy 70 in Raleigh, N.C. They are known as one of the best Irish Dive Bars in the Capital City and the owner is a good friend of my mind. I have been asked to write a blog for our school’s Facebook page. At 34 I should probably know what a blog is, or at least read a few, but truth be told, I have not a clue.

Though I am more than enthralled I have no idea what to write about. Do I write about how much I love food, why I’m here at TCA, what led me to stop, drop, and roll back into the industry that I swore off 5 years ago? Why not write about it all and do as the Chef’s instructors in Culinary 1010 say “K.I.S.S.” it.

Keep it short and simple. Sure the last S can be substituted for any word beginning with S I’m sure we all know one. But that’s what it really comes down too nowadays, right? Hot pan! Down behind! On your left! Corner! Is that local? These are all terms that I am sure most of us know, for those who don’t, you will! I love anything food! My pallet for the past couple of years simply has been frustrated by my lack of being adventurous in all plates of food.

Enter: The Chef’s Academy and the need and want for a new life with all things food and cocktails. I have been a bartender for the past 8 years and have made my share of Margaritas and Mojito’s, and every type of shot any college student would love to get sick on. But the time has come, and I want and crave food knowledge. When I see dishes I want to know how to make them, I want to be able to describe something so wonderful. Since beginning TCA my mouth is finally able to find an occasional pallet massage for that need.

Everyday we get a chance to create something new in class. We are always learning how and what makes a dish great. What recipe has that legendary secret ingredient that sends us over the edge? I am constantly reminded everyday of just how much there is to learn and create from. I know that this school, and the time I am here will give me a great home base. I am truly happiest when making others have a great experience. I have been able to do that through cocktails, now I want to do it through food. To all of those who have that feeling, “Cheers!” For those who want this feeling, find your passion and take hold of it.

Cheers from my favorite spot,
David Andersen

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Meal Drive!

Hello everyone,

It's with great excitement that I announce a free and easy way for you to help those in need. In the month of December, we are going to be donating one meal to a local food bank (of the total amount of meals raised, 1/2 will be donated in Indianapolis and 1/2 in Raleigh) for every new "like" of our Facebook pages, twitter accounts, and downloads of our App on both the App store and Android Market! With your help and promotion, we will be raising many meals for those in need. We want your help in promoting our drive to fight hunger and giving back to our communities. Through your support, we are going to help those in need during a trying time of year. Please show your support by suggesting that all of your friends like/follow/DL our app! A couple clicks of your mouse can mean many meals heading off to local food banks!

Links to our pages are below, thank you for your continued support!

    Indianapolis – http://www.facebook.com/TheChefsAcademy
    North Carolina – http://www.facebook.com/TheChefsAcademy.NC

    Indianapolis – http://www.twitter.com/TheChefsAcademy
    North Carolina – http://www.twitter.com/NCChefsAcademy

iPhone App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-chefs-academy/id412552493?mt=8

Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.u360mobile.chefsacademy&hl=en

Micro-Blog: Sheba Andrews

Here I am in term two of TCA’s Baking and Pastry program and I am still in awe of the greatness that surrounds me. I have gained so much within the few months that I’ve been a Pastry student. Not only can I make delicious loaves of bread from scratch and creamy custards, now I can cut a potato into cute little ¼ in. dices. How cool is that? I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I am that I stepped out on faith to pursue my dreams. I truly believe that I am in the place where I belong right now. I can’t express how awesome the Chefs, staff and students are. I am sure when I talk about my experience at TCA, people may believe that I am over exaggerating but it’s a feeling that has to be manifested on a personal level.  I have no regrets as I continue to move forward.
Fermenting My Future,
Sheba Andrews

Monday, November 14, 2011

Micro Blog: Jessica Vittoria

“That’s Life”
How many of you have had a job, where you had to work with someone you didn’t get along with? I know I have. Unfortunately, that’s life. I know working with others can be difficult. I have had jobs like that in the past, but you can’t let it affect you.  No matter where you go, whether its work or traveling, there may be that one person or group that can spread negativity. What you need to know is, “ignorance is bliss.” For Example, let’s say you’re working at your ideal job, executive chef or head pastry chef and you’re in the kitchen preparing your plate, and someone under you (dishwasher/buss boy) criticizes your dessert or, entrée. How would you react, what would you say, or do? Sometimes you will feel the urge to tell them to mind their own business and return to their job, but being in this field you have to learn the “respect factor.” It will take you further, and make you look like the bigger, better person. Being in the food service industry I think the most important aspect is and always will be the customer. Eliminate the negativity, and trade it for positivity. I have learned recently the best way to avoid this type of situation is to move on. Passion and pride is the key to your future, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

~With a Passion for Pastry~
Jessica Vittoria


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cupcake Couture welcomes new Executive Chef

Baton Rouge, LA.  High fashion meets delectable desserts at one famous cupcake shop where graduate of The Chef’s Academy, Rhiannon Spafford now calls home.  Spafford finished her education working as a baker at Cupcake Couture, a gourmet bakeshop in Louisiana, and has recently been promoted to Executive Chef.  The bakery’s name reaches beyond red carpet stature. From baking 300 cupcakes for actor Christian Slater, to tryouts for Food Network’s Cupcake Wars, Cupcake Couture is anything but ordinary. Spafford feels her experience is anything but ordinary as well. “Within my first two weeks I was baking hundreds of red velvet cupcakes for a famous actor,” says Spafford, “and it was the training at school that helped immensely with recipe conversions and development.” The two day weekend pastry arts program at The Chef’s Academy is far different than the traditional class meetings of four days per week. The value for many weekend students is the ability to start and complete projects during the time allotted in one day. “Being able to adjust and create new recipes with the time given during the weekend is the value I took from training at The Chef’s Academy.”  Over the past few months, Spafford has not only excelled in her externship, but has taken over more responsibility within the bakery. “After the first couple of weeks, I had keys to the store,” says Spafford, “they really love me here.”  With more responsibility comes more opportunities, and for pastry grads like Spafford, the future is growing brighter every day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Micro Blog: Barbara Hicks

    After dropping out of school at a very young age, returning to school was one of the best decisions I have made in my short, but complex life. Growing up I thought that I could not be taught like my peers.
    On December 8, 2007, I attended Wake Technical Community College to earn my G.E.D and further my education. I realized that I could learn and be taught like everyone else. I understood the teaching methods and learned just like my class mates. To my surprise, I enjoyed it a great deal. After walking across the stage to receive my diploma, I wanted to learn more and more. That being said, I applied to a local College. I felt that I could do anything I put my mind to. It was a huge campus with tons of students. The first semester I was really excited. My grades were not the best but I was passing my classes. The second semester was not that great. My classes got harder and I needed more help than other students. Most of the time I would try to get extra help from my instructors, but unfortunately they had a schedule to keep. Trying to make appointments to see different professors’ became too much for my schedule.
    My G.P.A. began to drop slowly. Being that I have three children and a husband, it was impossible to rearrange my schedule to meet with instructors on their most convenient time. To avoid getting kicked out, I just decided not to register for any more classes. I thought that it was the end of my education in Culinary Arts.
     On a beautiful April the thirteenth, (my oldest son’s birthday), we were listening to the radio, (ninety seven point five), I heard a advertisement for a new school being built in North Carolina called The Chef’s Academy. I told my son to write down the number. While I was driving I called the number that he wrote down. A very polite lady answered by the name of Ashley Hanslits. She invited me to come in for a meeting. After making an appointment with her, I came in the following Tuesday. To say the least, it made all my dreams come true. She immediately made me feel like this is where I belonged if I love to cook and wanted this as a profession.
    The Chef’s Academy of North Carolina is amazing to say the least. Everything is “hands on.” The instructors and staff are there for me whenever I need them. My chefs are ready to answer all my question at all times. All the staff members will go the extra mile to help me get the answers to whatever question I might have.
    I have never felt more confident at school in my life. I have the drive, the motivation, the inspiration to be the best in my field. That comes from my adoring children and loving husband who demand the best from me. The staff, the chefs, and instructors are awesome. I am blessed and honored to be a part of The Chef’s Academy of Morrisville, North Carolina.
Sincerely, Barbara Hicks

Friday, October 28, 2011

Micro-Blog from Terry Rusch

First Day of Culinary School or is it Basic Training?
October 17, 2011
I wake up 5:45 AM: got to get ready for the first day at The Chef's Academy.  Shower...check...shave...check…brush teeth...check.... deodorant...check...fingernails cut and clean...check.  Put my freshly starched and pressed The Chef's Academy uniform with pants and chef's coat on. Wow, look at that crease in the sleeves and pant legs!  Black Croc's cleaned and polished, black socks, fold and iron the neckerchief and put it on, tie it just like a necktie,  got my skullcap and apron.  Books?...check…chef's knife kit?...check..Wow, it's like déjà vu, why does this all seem eerily familiar? Uniform, hat, black shoes/boots and a weapon(s)?

6:55 AM: start the drive to school and I’m nervous.

7:05AM: arrive at TCA, meet some of the new and old students, everyone is looking sharp and new. Everything is hectic and scattered right now, everyone is wondering, "Do I have everything I am supposed to? Where do we go or who do we talk to?" 

7:30 AM: first class: Strategies for Success with Mary Margaret McCamic. Everyone introduces themselves and it seems everyone is from all over and very diverse: New York, Ohio, California, NC, SC, VA, Canada even?  Again this all seems so familiar. The class is very enlightening and helps you to believe in yourself and to succeed in reaching all of your life's goals and dreams.  

9:40 AM: get out of class head to Kitchen Basics after everyone fumbles with their lockers and does a last minute check on everything from books to uniform, to appearance to ...weapons...err I mean knife kit.  

9:50 AM: get to kitchen class and we meet Chef Rusty Nichols and Chef Paul. Wow these guys look like us except their uniforms are slightly different, they have a designation or rank on their coats and a BIG Chef's hat?  Déjà vu again. Chef Rusty introduces himself and tells us all to line up for inspection, wow we are all toeing the line. Chef is inspecting us all, déjà vu?  I got it, this is what it felt like going into the Army, brand new Privates with a Drill Sergeant/Drill Instructor BUT we are all soldiers in a Chef's Academy uniform (like BDU's which protect us), our weapon is a set of knives instead of an M16, our battlefield will be the kitchen. Chef inspects us all, "Hey first and only warning son, clean shaved tomorrow! Black socks and plain white t-shirt only Miss! Those shoes are not acceptable for the kitchen!"  Wow Chef Rusty (First Sergeant head of Kilo Company/Kitchen Company) and Chef Paul (Platoon Sergeant) are like Drill Sergeants but respectful to the students/soldiers, and even Chef Wilson (He would have to be Commanding Officer/CO for the Company) and Chef Bane (General of 2nd Kitchen Battalion) inspect, greet and welcome us to Basic...err I mean The Chef's Academy.

Wow, it really is like being in the military again and in basic training. I have my Platoon with 32 total soldiers in training. My squad of Private Tyler, Private Chris, Private Jerry and Corporal Vince (he served sometime in the field already in another branch).  There is such a camaraderie with everyone in class, everyone is from different backgrounds BUT, we are all here for the same reason… to graduate and become chef's or restaurant/business owners in the restaurant industry.  We have all each other’s backs and help one another just like a military soldier, instead of going into battle, we go into the kitchen, work fast and efficiently. Team work is key and work with our knives(weapons) and all the kitchen equipment, battle  through the elements , constantly learning so we can provide a service to our country or should I say to our customers.  We started with 32 and it seems a few went AWOL but the remaining few, the Proud will become The Chef's Academy graduates and follow our dreams in the culinary field!  It feels great to be a part of this school and part of an Army/Kitchen Brigade. Hopefully someday become a General (aka Executive Chef), just got to get through Basic training, then go to battle starting from dishwasher all the way through the stations as station chef, sous chef and work my way up to fulfill my dreams of cooking and making people happy with food.  Let me end this LONG blog with this...

Culinarian's Code
"As a proud member of the American Culinary Federation, I pledge to share my professional knowledge and skill with all culinarians. I will place honor, fairness, cooperation and consideration first when dealing with my colleagues. I will keep all comments professional and respectful when dealing with my colleagues. I will protect all members from the use of unfair means, unnecessary risks and unethical behavior when used against them for another's personal gain. I will support the success, growth, and future of my colleagues and this great federation."
*Adopted by the ACF at Board of Governors August, 2010

Signing off  Out.. Hooooah!
Private/Culinary Student Terry Kim Rusch and One Day... General/Chef Terry Kim Rusch
The Chef's Academy North Carolina

Monday, October 24, 2011

Micro-Blog from Nii Okine

On the beautiful fall morning of October 9, staff and students from The Chef’s Academy (TCA), participated in The Walk for Hope event sponsored by The Angus Barn. This annual event raises community awareness and monetary funding for treatment for mental illness, post traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. The city of Raleigh was out in full force with 3,000 walkers and runners in attendance. TCA contributed by lending a helping hand as volunteers with some of the prep and kitchen work. Our team cooked around 5,000 hamburgers to help feed the hungry mass of people who came to support this cause. The Chef’s Academy is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this annual event, and we hope to have an even larger school presence next year.

Nii Okine
The Chef's Academy North Carolina Culinary Student

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Baby is Born!

Greetings Everyone!
Well, I had no idea how emotional I would be as this special day approached . . . but, it is the night before and I can’t sleep!  The feeling I guess is similar to that of an expectant mother about to go into labor . . . my breath is short, the anticipation of what is going to happen is overwhelming.  All I need now is for someone to say push!  Tomorrow, Monday, October 17, 2011 will go down in history as we launch our Hospitality & Restaurant Management (HRM) ONLINE program.  My baby is born. . .
It is an amazing feeling when dreams come true.  I have thought about this moment in time for almost three years and worked feverishly with my team for the past year getting things in order to make this happen.  I am very proud of the work that we’ve done and are doing to bring this bachelor’s degree curriculum to the online environment.  Gwen Hasse, HRM Lead Instructor and I stayed up late many nights researching, benchmarking, writing course descriptions, changing objectives, revising lesson plans, updating and making projects relevant.  Together we poured our passions, talents, and time into this project hoping that it would all be approved, come to fruition, and be the kind of opportunity a student and his or her employer could benefit from.
It isn’t easy to turn your hard work over to someone and trust that they will handle it with care.  But, that is exactly what Gwen and I had to do.  Brittany Barwegen, HRM Instructional Designer/Instructor has been able to translate our visions into courses for the online student.  With her inquisitive nature and tech savvy ability she has created such interactive creations as the Pineapple Pad!   She’s been able to incorporate video, animation, and audio to keep students not only engaged; but, wanting to learn more and more each day.
Day one, approximately 19 students will meet my first born named HRM1010 Introduction to Hospitality & Industry Trends.  She is 10 weeks long and has a ton of content that will inspire and guide.  This course will feature a classy lady named Penelope Pineapple!  She is the self-proclaimed “Queen of Hospitality.”  She is ready to greet students and share with them all she knows about hospitality, restaurants, and management.
Our online offering is right on time!  Today, more and more industry professionals want to seek higher education but have been bound by time constraints from working in the industry.  Taking classes online however allows them the flexibility to maintain their full-time employment yet have 24/7 access to their classes.
I’ll be looking for opportunities to share with you all HRM1010’s progress.  Come watch her grow in person by joining us!  You still have time to register for classes and be a part of this dream come true.  Or, you can read about HRM1010 and Penelope on Facebook!
Thank you for listening!  I am going to try to sleep now.  PUSH!
Jokima Hiller, Program Coordinator
Hospitality & Restaurant Management

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Micro-Blog from Jessica Vittoria

So…… this is my first blog and I have to say I am excited to be able to have a way to express myself through my education at The Chef’s Academy. Let me start by saying my name is Jessica I am 25 years old, and originally from NJ. I am enjoying all of my time here at The Chefs Academy. The classes are great and, I am learning something new every day. Words can’t express how much I love this school. One of the things I have learned this term had to do with Lou Tice in my Strategies for Success class. Learning the power of my mind and how to embrace nothing but positivity. Also, in my ServSafe class I have learned alot like how to not buy seafood of Neto’s truck. “What a Dirtbag.” In addition, there is my baking and pastry class which I come to love more and more every day. Chef Stolfo is amazing she inspires me so much, and I feel she is always pushing me toward my true potential. I feel the biggest lesson I have learned since starting at The Chef’s Academy is that work may be pain, but pain pays off in pride and passion which makes a great chef. I know I have the passion to succeed in my career, and with help and opportunities from The Chef’s Academy I know that failure is not an option.
                                                                                                                      With a Passion for Pastry,
                                                                                                                                  Jessica Vittoria

Monday, September 26, 2011

Micro-Blog from Sheba Andrews

Last week during my Strategies for Success class, there was an exercise that required our class to visualize what our lives would be like in five years. I must admit that this was a very interesting exercise to me. My vision of my future was very vivid. I saw the house, car, family and career that I’ve always wanted. It was pretty interesting to say the least.  
After class, I couldn’t help but to wonder if five years ago I would have visualized being where I am today. Would I see myself trading in my wardrobe for a t-shirt, white jacket, checkerboard pants and little cap?  Would I see myself replacing a necklace with a neckerchief? Could I ever imagine trading my collection of shoes in for a comfy pair of black Crocs (without the holes)? And finally, would I see the passion upon my face as I am kneading dough? I don’t think that I would. However, I feel that attending The Chef’s Academy is a decision that I will never regret. I have learned so much over the past seven weeks and I look forward to learning more!! I may not truly know where my life’s path will lead me within the next five, ten or twenty years, but I’ll continue to walk one step at a time.

Fermenting my future,
Sheba Andrews

Monday, September 19, 2011

Micro-Blog from Courtney Wimmer

Six months ago I did not even think that I would be sitting in college. I was never big on school, don’t get me wrong, I always made good grades, but never thought that I would want to go on and further my education. Here I am sitting in this amazing college doing something that I’m enjoying.
I was staying up late one night, studying for my high school finals when The Chefs Academy infomercial came on. My eyes lit up, and I started to think, “Can I do this?” I took the information down, then I talked it over with my family and they told me to go for it! So I did. The next day I applied for school. Two days later I heard from Shane, and he told me that he would love to meet with me to go over what the school had to offer me. The next week we met with Shane again. I was in my last semester in high school when I got the acceptance letter. Now look at me! I never thought I would be so happy doing something that I’m going to do for the rest of my life. I honestly can’t see myself being anywhere else!

Courtney Wimmer
The Chef's Academy North Carolina Pastry Student

Friday, September 9, 2011

Micro-Blog from Brett Ouimet

Fear causes hesitation

For the past 20 years or so, I have often thought about going back to school or changing careers, but always told myself that I couldn’t. I guess I was hesitant of the change or the difference in salary.  I was laid off in the beginning of 2011, after 14 years at the same company.  After a few months I realized that time is now. I needed a change, a new direction. Something bigger, something better. 

When I heard that The Chef’s Academy was opening in Morrisville, something just “clicked”. I love to cook. I love food. I’ve been eating all of my life. It had my name written all over it! Fear set in as I enrolled, but something was pushing me to do it. After a few days I was very comfortable with the facility, the instructors and the staff. My fellow students were just as eager and excited as I was. I knew that this was the right move for me. It’s week 5 and I’m loving every minute of it.  I look forward to the endless possibilities and opportunities that lay ahead. 

Don’t let your fears control your actions. Life is what you make it and that’s a beautiful thing.

The man with the three fingered hand,
Brett Ouimet
The Chef's Academy North Carolina

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Micro-Blog from Keno McKayhan

My first blog, ever!

So I started to think really hard about what to write. Should I talk about myself, students, the school, the classes, instructors, recipes or the staff?  What a wonderful problem to have.
Let’s start with me. Enrolling in culinary school has been a goal of mines for a very long time. Too make a long story short, there isn’t a place on earth that I would rather be…..from 9:40am to 4:30pm. Evenings are another matter. Talking to some of my fellow students it’s clear that I’m surrounded by other passionate foodies. What better place to achieve our goals than at the brand new and I mean brand spanking new Chef’s Academy in Morrisville. I haven’t been in school for a while so I was kind of nervous about how I would do in classes other than the kitchen, one month in, and I have surprised myself. I’m super motivated now. Yes, I came to learn to be a Chef and Chef Rusty is making sure we get off to a professional start. In just four weeks I’ve learned a lot about becoming a chef and it wasn’t all about cooking, even though we are cooking every day now. I say that to say this. I LOVE my psychology class with MS. McCamic featuring Lou Tice more than any other. Who would have thought? I will have to write a separate blog to get you to understand what it has done for my understanding of my mind. Powerful stuff. I could be late but better late than never. In one month every doubt that I had about starting my own business has vanished and all I can see is success.
Until the time.
Yours Truly,
The Kid in the Candy Store.
The Chef's Academy North Carolina

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Micro-Blog from Mike Parsons

On the board.

The Student Advisory Board, unfortunately for many students they don't know what we do.  Yes we are the voice of the student body, but we are so much more.

As board members we are a gateway for your voice to be heard by faculty and staff anonymously. We are also repositories of activities, functions and knowledge.  We sometimes have information as to what happens behind closed doors, and can advise you to wait before saying something to anyone about something.

We help plan activities for the student body.  Did you know “Who's Left Cooking?” actually takes more than three weeks?  There are several weeks of planning and preparation needed.  Judges need to be contacted and arranged, someone has to show up early to get the kitchen setup as well as the chairs in the hall, and the judges room, and who do you think cleans it all up? 

We are also one of the first points of contact for new students.  Many of our current board members, myself included, have met and still talk with students who otherwise didn't know a soul when they started, and during  Grad Preview met someone they could relate to.

Being a student takes a lot, being a good student takes even more, but being on the Student Advisory Board takes a level of commitment that exceeds expectations on most reviews.  My employer had no issue working my schedule around the Advisory Board functions, and I know I have gotten more than one interview opportunity because of the embroidered Chef’s jacket that states I am on the Student Advisory Board at The Chef’s Academy.

OK, so it's not all glitz and glamour, even though we do have fun, it takes a commitment of time, as well as a willingness to want to help your fellow students.  Being a bit of an extrovert helps as well because you need to be able to meet new people with no problems.  You need to be open minded, and willing to listen with open ears. Oh, and you have to know how to keep a few secrets too! There are things we know that are planned as a surprise for students and faculty alike and we have the privilege of being in the know.

We meet almost every Friday at 9am and get a lot done in about an hour. Come join one of our meetings and see what it's all about.  Check with your class representative, and see what else we do, and if you don't know who we are, check out the shadow box across from the break room and get to know those faces.

We are your voice so meet us and tell us what to say!

Mike Parsons

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Micro-Blog from Danielle Wilson

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.  ~Margaret Atwood
With spring well on its way, and summer about ready to move in (June 21st at 1:16pm) the seedlings of Mother Nature have started to take shape. I had my very first home garden last year, and I enjoyed the days out in the sun. My body was always sore for a couple of days, but when the day was done it felt good to work with the dirt. I would come in from working in the yard, sun burnt, and dirty, but feeling accomplished. It’s almost therapeutic.
I have now become a member of the TCA’s Garden Club. We meet once a week, mostly on Friday’s, but have also moved the dates around so that others can come through the week. We usually communicate through Facebook or at school, and it’s really a great time! The conversation is always entertaining, and we learn a lot about gardening and each other which is a wonderful way to relieve stress. The Garden Club’s most important duty at school is keeping up with all of the garden areas. These last few weeks, we have started over 15 different types of vegetables. If you have any questions, talk to Chef T. You can find us on Facebook under TCA Garden Club. We hope to see you soon.
 It’s such a great feeling to look at the end of the summer and see the fruits of your labors.
By Danielle Wilson

Friday, May 6, 2011

Micro-Blog from Christopher Blice

Relationship Building with your classmates, instructors, peers is creating solid, healthy connections.  Building relationships start very early in life, by the time you enter into this world, relationships begin.  Born in 1957, relationship building was so different than it is today.  There was no internet social media, and mobile phones had not even been thought of.  Relationships were formed from face to face interactions and other physical manifestations of a greeting.
Building, then keeping the relationship begins to build a solid network of colleagues, and friends alike.  Respect for others, goes a long way.  One wise man once told me, “be careful whose toes you step on today, tomorrow you may be kissing their butt”.  This is so true in life, you may offend someone today,  and tomorrow they may be your boss, or you may need them  for a reference, whatever the case, it is crucial to show  everyone respect regardless of what your personal opinion is.
Following simple fundamentals such as honesty and respect, this will take you as far in life as you wish to go.  Giving back, paying it forward, whatever you wish to call it, giving back to society is important.  Giving back does not necessarily mean monetary.  Give your time, your knowledge, or whatever strength you may have that can be shared with others, even a simple “thank you” goes a long way with most.  It builds character, self esteem, not only in you but also for those around you.
Treat others the way you want to be treated and you will be amazed at the relationships that are built on simple fundamentals, such as dignity, honesty, respect but most of all humility.
Christopher Blice
TCA Pastry Arts 2012

Monday, May 2, 2011

Micro-Blog from Rodeny Franklin

Even Me
I have been on the Honor Roll almost every term; there was one term where I missed it by only one point. To see your name on the Honor Roll list in the glass case on the wall means so much to a lot of students. I have moved things around in my life to accommodate going to school.  I do not want to miss even one day, so I can once again get my name on the wall. Even though I have had to rearrange things in my life to do this, there are times when I have had to ask for help. I am taking a class right now that has been kicking my butt and I had to ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help, not even for me.
-Rodney Franklin
Student Advisory Board members

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Micro blog from student Leisa Maddox

An Act of Kindness, A Moment of Your Time CAN Change a Person’s Life!

While debating on whether to enroll in The Chef’s Academy, I stopped to ask a student her opinion of the school. This person took a moment of her time (well, more like 20 minutes), to tell me how much she loved the school and that it was a great choice she made! She also offered her assistance to me while attending school! If it had not been for her taking a bit of her time out for me, I do not know if I would be here in school today. She is my mentor and I am very grateful for her! So, do know that your kindness and consideration of others can change a person’s life! Thank you Faye for your kindness, support and friendship!

-Leisa Maddox,
2nd term student and Student Advisory Board member

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Micro-blog from student Austin Davis

If you guys don’t know me by now my name is Austin Davis. I am in the wonderful HRM (Hospitality/Restaurant Management) program and I enjoy every second of it thanks to my fantastic class mates as well as Ms. Jokima and Ms. Gwen. If you ever see me in the halls feel free to talk to me about anything you would like. So on February 20th I turned 19, granted it’s not 18 or 21, but it’s still another year that I was able to be alive. I didn’t do a whole lot for my birthday, no extravagant parties or anything I just hung out with family and friends. I will say, however, the best part was on Saturday night I went cosmic bowling with my father, step mother, half sister, brother, soon to be sister-in-law, my roommate Forrest, and my girl friend, and they counted down to my birthday over the intercom and it made me feel really special. I also felt a lot of love from everyone who sent me birthday wishes on Facebook. To all those who are reading this, I would just like to thank you for being apart of a wonderful school, I truly do love The Chef’s Academy and I am glad I made the choice to attend. Hopefully I will see some of you in the hallways!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Awards to be awarded at student meetings!

After much consideration of student, faculty and staff recommendations, we decided to change the format of the student meetings to more of an awards ceremony. We will still have some announcements to make, but the rest of the meeting will be a party. We’ll have music and we’ll celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. Oh, and we’ll do some dancing too, if you’re up to the challenge.
With the new format, we needed more awards. So here they are:
Student of the Term* will still be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the student who shows common courtesies and respect to everyone, goes above and beyond the call of duty, helps other students without asking for something in return, is conscientious and perseveres, has good attendance, is friendly and outgoing and is highly regarded by his/her peers, and is someone who is a good representation of TCA. Nominations will come from faculty and staff. Peer nominations will be considered and can be submitted at the front desk.
Life Skills Awards* will be awarded at each meeting. These awards will go to any student who has completed 8 out of the 10 Life Skills classes. The Life Skills classes will run on a rotation. So, for example, if Stress Management is offered Week 1 next term, it will be offered Week 1 the following term. So if you miss a couple, you have plenty of time to make them up. Echoing Chef Reed’s comments at the student meetings, the chefs, managers and owners you respect here at TCA and out in the community work daily on their life skills. These are necessary for your advancement in this industry. Oh, and these cost you NOTHING!
Best Dressed Award* will be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the student who is always in uniform and professionally represents The Chef’s Academy at all times. Nominations will come from the faculty. Peer nominations will be considered and can be submitted at the front desk.
Best Attendance Award* will be awarded at each meeting. This award will go to the cohort that has the best attendance as a class. Results will be based on students in a kitchen lab (for culinary and pastry) and an HRM class for HRM, and attendance will be calculated for all courses each student has. Nominations will come from the Education Department.
TCA Volunteer will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who volunteers the most time and is most helpful at TCA events. Events/Hours completed must be signed off by person(s) responsible for the event. Volunteer forms can be found at the front desk. Nominations will be self-written and submitted to the front desk.
Community Service Award will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who makes the biggest or most creative difference in his or her community. Service/Hours completed must be signed off by person(s) responsible for the event/organization. Community Service forms can be found at the front desk. Nominations will be self-written and submitted to the front desk. The winner will be voted on the following criteria: # of hours completed and creativity in service. Serving others is part of this industry. This one should be easy for most.
TCA Social Media Enthusiast Award will be offered to one student each term. This award will go to the student who most/best promotes The Chef’s Academy on the web (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Nominations will come from Joe Trinosky.
Mr. Clean Award will be offered to one cohort each term. This award will go to the cohort that is the most sanitary and follows ServSafe guidelines. Nominations will come from Chef Trinosky.
Please remember that we will not offer an award just to offer the award. If no student or class is deserving of the award, we will not offer it that term.
* Meeting shifts are as follows:
Morning meeting – 6:30am, 9:45am & day HRM shifts
Evening meeting – 1:00pm, 5:20pm & night HRM shifts
Weekend meeting – all weekend shifts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Top Teen Talent Scholarship Competition

Dream. Explore. Discover

Is your dream to be a chef? Do you have passion for food? How about a passion to be in the kitchen? The Chef’s Academy wants to help fulfill your passion!

Take an exploration through your favorite recipes and make it your own. The Chef’s Academy is offering 15 participants help with their dreams of being part of something. The Top Teen Talent Scholarship Competition is for current high school junior and senior grade level students.  It’s simple. Fill out the application on The Chef’s Academy Web site to enter. To start, all you need is your best recipe, a picture of it completed and a short essay. You can also download the application directly from the Facebook fan page.

Make sure your applications are in by Friday, February 4, 2011, and don’t forget to tell all your friends and family what you’re doing. The awesome thing about this scholarship is that your friends and family can help!

The two-part competition will make use of The Chef’s Academy’s social media presence as well as its brick-and-mortar kitchens. In phase one, applicant’s submitted recipes as well as an original photo of the dish will be displayed on The Chef’s Academy Official Facebook fan page, where fans of The Chef’s Academy can vote for their favorite. All voting will end promptly at Midnight on February 25, 2011.  The top Fifteen (15) Official Entry’s in terms of Votes garnered will advance to the Second Phase of the competition.  The Chef’s Academy will begin contacting the Fifteen (15) Finalists on or around February 28, 2011. 

In Phase Two, selected fan favorites will compete in the Cook-Off Competition held in Indianapolis, Indiana at The Chef’s Academy on March 19, 2011. The selected finalists will prepare a menu issued in advance by The Chef’s Academy.

The Finalists will scored by a Judges Panel, consisting of professional chefs will evaluate and score each Finalist on their technical skills based on the following criteria:  Knife skills, safety and sanitation, mise en place, cooking techniques, and clean up.  Scores in these areas will comprise fifty percent (50%) of the Finalists total score.  The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the Finalists score will be based on the judges’ scores for taste and flavor, texture and doneness, portion size, temperature, presentation and knife skills exam.  All decisions by the judges are final, binding and non-disputable.

The First Place winner of Phase Two of The Chef’s Academy Top Teen Talent Competition will receive a full-tuition scholarship* to The Chef’s Academy.  The Second Place winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship to The Chef’s Academy.  The remaining 13 finalists will each receive a $1000 scholarship to The Chef’s Academy. 

The Chef’s Academy is more than just a Culinary Institute; it’s a place to discover your skill and empower your passion.

What are you waiting for?

*In the event that you are offered a scholarship of any amount, the scholarship awards are contingent on acceptance to The Chef’s Academy and tuition scholarships are awarded evenly over each term throughout the given program. Scholarships awarded are for the one (1) declared program that a student has upon entry to The Chef’s Academy. The tuition scholarship covers academic tuition and may not be applied against fees, housing, living expenses, or program supplies and may not be transferred. In the event that the scholarship recipient’s education is terminated, either by the school or by the student, the scholarship becomes null and void.  Scholarship recipients must maintain a 2.75 GPA or higher during his/her studies at The Chef’s Academy to continue to receive said scholarship. A GPA of less than 2.75 will result in the forfeiture of any remaining balance on the scholarship. http://www.thechefsacademy.com