Friday, December 9, 2011

Micro-Blog: David Andersen

So here I am at my favorite local drinking establishment off of Hwy 70 in Raleigh, N.C. They are known as one of the best Irish Dive Bars in the Capital City and the owner is a good friend of my mind. I have been asked to write a blog for our school’s Facebook page. At 34 I should probably know what a blog is, or at least read a few, but truth be told, I have not a clue.

Though I am more than enthralled I have no idea what to write about. Do I write about how much I love food, why I’m here at TCA, what led me to stop, drop, and roll back into the industry that I swore off 5 years ago? Why not write about it all and do as the Chef’s instructors in Culinary 1010 say “K.I.S.S.” it.

Keep it short and simple. Sure the last S can be substituted for any word beginning with S I’m sure we all know one. But that’s what it really comes down too nowadays, right? Hot pan! Down behind! On your left! Corner! Is that local? These are all terms that I am sure most of us know, for those who don’t, you will! I love anything food! My pallet for the past couple of years simply has been frustrated by my lack of being adventurous in all plates of food.

Enter: The Chef’s Academy and the need and want for a new life with all things food and cocktails. I have been a bartender for the past 8 years and have made my share of Margaritas and Mojito’s, and every type of shot any college student would love to get sick on. But the time has come, and I want and crave food knowledge. When I see dishes I want to know how to make them, I want to be able to describe something so wonderful. Since beginning TCA my mouth is finally able to find an occasional pallet massage for that need.

Everyday we get a chance to create something new in class. We are always learning how and what makes a dish great. What recipe has that legendary secret ingredient that sends us over the edge? I am constantly reminded everyday of just how much there is to learn and create from. I know that this school, and the time I am here will give me a great home base. I am truly happiest when making others have a great experience. I have been able to do that through cocktails, now I want to do it through food. To all of those who have that feeling, “Cheers!” For those who want this feeling, find your passion and take hold of it.

Cheers from my favorite spot,
David Andersen

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