Friday, March 22, 2013

Student Micro Blog: Carl Ciprian

The hardest lesson for me to coming to The Chef’s Academy was learning my knife skills. Being able to rough chop things was already a skill I had, but being able to do it accurately is a whole different story. Knife skills is one skill that you will be doing for the rest of your life. I’ve made some bad knife cuts, and I’ve made some good ones. Will you always make the perfect cut with precision accuracy and speed? No, everyone will make mistakes whether you have just started your first day, or you have practiced knife skills your whole life. For every knife cut you make, you are improving yourself, and the quality of your work. So get out there and practice, practice, practice! Also be sure to have some Band-Aid’s and finger cots nearby!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Student Micro Blog: Cassandra Bellinger

What I like most about my kitchen courses is how wonderful the chefs are. The chef’s are always willing to assist and encourage you when you make a mistake. I feel that having chef’s that are passionate gives me a better educational experience. The chef’s makes it so easy for you to come and talk to them. They never intimidate you or make you feel like you are asking a dumb question. I appreciate the sense of urgency that is instilled in us because that’s what we will experience out in the industry. I enjoyed experimenting with different foods that I’ve never eaten before. Even though this is my second term I have l learned so much about cooking on a professional level. I’m so eager to see what exciting new things that is in store for me next term. My advice I have for students is, when you enter the kitchen and working in your groups, make sure you try to keep a positive attitude. In the kitchen everyone will not agree on everything. It’s important to have communication within your group. Trust me; things will be a lot easier. Don’t let the disagreement in the kitchen make you lose sight of what you want to achieve at TCA. Stay focused. Remember, there is no “I” in teamwork. I will end my blog with this quote by Bill Bradley: “Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it (Bill Bradley).”


Friday, March 1, 2013

Micro Blog: Toni-Rain Miller

As a relatively new student to the school, I found it important to become as active as possible in school activities, events, and clubs.  My participation in various events helped me to meet new people and acquainted me with the wonderful opportunities offered to students at The Chef’s Academy.  I am in my second term, and I found volunteering for various events exposed me to a lot more hands-on experiences in the culinary field that I would have never been made aware of if I had not become actively involved in the Student Advisory Board.
           I have learned from several instructors that 90% of the culinary field involves how you connect, network, and work well with others.  One may be highly skilled in cutting techniques or brazing various meats, but if you do not take advantage of opportunities afforded to you it can slow down your rate of success in the culinary field.  Having said that, I encourage everyone, even those with hectic schedules to make time to become active in school events or clubs; it may very well open the door to your future and a successful life in the culinary field.       

My Thoughts,

Toni-Rain Miller