Friday, February 15, 2013

Micro Blog: Ellen Davinson

Get Out of your way!
My blog is about my first steps getting started at TCA.
I hated school… In high school I was bored out of my mind! My favorite classes were art and gym. I turned 16 and a magical new opportunity called a GED was now an option. I got a ride to Wake Tech, took the test and passed it in one week. I went to high school and turned in my books.
I worked at a crappy job but I stuck with it and ended up moving from the bottom to the top. I had worked at fast food kitchens part time on and off and I liked it. I always brought in food for people I worked with and they all said I should sell what I made. I loved cooking and I had wanted to check out school programs for cooking but everyone said I would hate it! They said I only liked cooking because that was what I did for fun; I would hate it if I cooked for a living. That stuck in my head and I didn’t pursue that dream for years! Well, the company I worked for went bankrupt!  I was good at what I did but I didn’t like it. So here is where it all started!
I was sitting at home with my two kids that were home for the summer. I was watching TV and a commercial came on about TCA. I got mad at the TV thinking “Why do they keep showing this place if it’s not located around here?” I saw the commercial for the second time and I decided to call only to find out it is in Morrisville!!! I talked to Ashley and the next day I was coming in with my kids for a tour!   I thought “Oh Great, here comes the sales pitch: we are this, we are that, it’s so easy.” Nope! She said, “Here are the kitchens, here is what we offer, it’s up to you!” Class started in a week and it was $50.00 to hold your spot.
All the former doubts rolled back in my mind. You can’t, you will hate it, you can’t afford it, you won’t fit in, this is nuts!!!! I breathed in looked at my kids and I thought just jump! I signed the check and was set up for orientation! Now when I talk to all of the people who said I shouldn’t, couldn’t…. They say wow they wish they could do it!
My point is simple. Get out of your own way quit holding yourself back! The people who said they wish they could follow their dreams can do so! They just have to GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY.

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