Friday, August 28, 2009

Farm Fresh Delivered Right to YOU!

Greeting Readers!

Life is good, especially when you’re eating healthy foods!

The Travel & Tour Club had its first tour today and it was so very exciting! Students and staff received a guided tour of the Farm Fresh Delivery warehouse located in Indianapolis, IN. Our tour guide was our own Chef's Academy foodservice instructor Beth Blessing! Ms. Blessing is co-owner of the warehouse and runs a first rate operation. “Your place is so clean,” commented Ms. Deb Nelson, also a foodservice instructor at the school. However, Ms. Nelson teaches many of our sanitation classes and knows the importance of having a clean establishment.

I was so excited to go on this tour that I used up all of my film before the tour was even over! Ms. Blessing walked us through every aspect of the business. We saw their extensive offering of dry goods and how items are arranged in the refrigerators and freezers. We observed staff going through their list of orders and packing up customer bins for daily delivery. We learned so much. Here are a few facts:

Q & A
QUESTION – What exactly is Farm Fresh Delivery?
ANSWER – “Farm Fresh Delivery is an online home delivery service that provides organic produce and natural groceries to its members.”

QUESTION – What produce items do they deliver?
ANSWER – “Milk, Cheese, Bread, Farm Fresh Eggs, Frozen Meats, Spices, Honey, Chocolate, Fresh Ground Coffee, Tea, Bulk Products, and unique local products. The list is always ‘growing’!”

QUESTION – Does Farm Fresh Delivery make any of their own items?
ANSWER – “Yes. Farm Fresh Delivery even has its own product line, Feel Good Foods, headed by Executive Chef Brandon Hamilton, a Chef’s Academy graduate. The weekly newsletter ‘The Healthy Times’ features recipes, nutrition, and cooking tips from staff nutritionist and co-owner Elizabeth Blessing.”

QUESTION – How many deliveries does Farm Fresh make?
ANSWER – “Farm Fresh Delivery delivers organic products to 1200 homes each week!”

I hope you want to know more! If so, check out the Farm Fresh Delivery website at The website is a great face for the establishment. It takes you step-by-step on how to sign up for delivery services in Indianapolis or Cincinnati and offers recipes and tips.  However, to see the warehouse, to witness Ms. Blessing’s enthusiasm, and to observe staff preparing for the day’s deliveries is a true testament of how enriching the Travel & Tour Club is to our school and students. “Seeing is believing” and you should not want to miss out on any of our other adventures! Join TODAY!

Jokima Hiller, MBA, Hospitality & Restaurant
Management Program Coordinator
Faculty Advisor, Travel & Tour Club

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